Where to Find Documents of the Agencies Served by the Ontario Workplace Tribunals Library

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specific OLRB decision.


Reported decisions in OLRB Reports 1944 to date hard copy.

Butterworth's Canadian Labour Relations Boards Reports: selected cases from 1974 to date.

CCH's Canadian Labour Law Cases: selected cases from 1944 to date.


CanLII (www.canlii.org): January, 2000 to date.

OLRB website (www.olrb.gov.on.ca): January, 2005 to date a few selected "Decisions of Interest".

January, 2003 to date "Highlights" summaries of reported cases.

Quicklaw database OLRB: November, 1988 to date (summaries of reported decisions: 1959 to date).

Westlaw database: all decisions from 2009 forward; all decisions reported in Canadian Labour Law Cases and Canadian Labour Relations Board Reports since 1997; and board decisions cited in Canadian Labour Law.

OLRB decision by topic


Ontario Labour Relations Board Law & Practice by Sack, Mitchell & Price (Butterworths).

Annotated Labour Relations Act by Randazzo (Carswell)

OLRB Reports Annual Consolidated Indexes. 1971 to date.

OLRB Reports Index on microfiche, 1959-1993.


CanLII.org database search

Quicklaw OLRB database

Westlaw OLRB database

OLRB certificate


Unavailable Pre-1962, various other documents to prove certification
1962-2006, hard copy
2007 to date OLRB Certificate database

specific OLRB accreditation certificate

OWTL website: brief listing of them all, see OLRB Accredited Employers' Organizations

specific trade union status

On Quicklaw, Westlaw, or CanLII search for union name and the phrase "applicant is a trade union" to see if there is a decision in which the OLRB grants trade union status (or at least re-affirms it).

Employment Standards Officer's Order

Not a public document. Freedom of Information Act request could be made to the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD) at  MLITSD.FOI@ontario.ca.

specific Employment Standards appeal ("ESC"s)

Contact OWTL for 1971 to 2002.
CanLII: January 2000 to date (with OLRB decisions)
Quicklaw database OESD: 1990 to date

Occupational Health & Safety Inspector's order

Not a public document. FOI request could be made to MLITSD.FOI@ontario.ca.

specific Occupational Health & Safety Act appeal of order

Contact OWTL for 1980 to 2000.
CanLII: Jan/2000 to date (with OLRB decisions)
Quicklaw database OOHS: some 1980-89, all 1990 to date.

OH&SA appeal by topic


OH&SA Keyword Index and Summaries 1980-95.


Quicklaw OOHS database search.
CanLII database search.

OH&SA prosecution (court judgment)


Arnott & Exner's Annotated Occupational Health & Safety Act (Canada Law Book) has a table of many of these with CLB's order number. See the "Sentencing Charts" section.

Canadian Occupational Health & Safety Cases (Carswell) published from 1989-1993 includes some of these.


MLITSD website: press releases on some of these going back two years gives summary of case and court information.

Quicklaw database ORP: includes some of these.

Contact the courthouse where the decision was issued.

arbitration award

The Grievance Arbitration Awards Portal

QuickLaw, Westlaw and CanLII from 2000 onwards.

There is a legal requirement to file all labour arbitration awards with the MLITSD and to make them available to "any person". (Reg. 684, section 4).
Therefore, contact Arbitration Services at the MLITSD: (416) 326-1300.

Archives of Ontario has many historic awards back to 1970.

Collective agreements

Collective Agreements e-Library Portal

WSIB/WCB decision

Not public documents, except for a few anonymized Appeals Resolution Officer decisions that are available through CanLII.

WSIAT/WCAT decision

All WSIAT decisions available through the WSIAT website and CanLII for free.

OHRC decision

Not usually public documents. FOI request could be made to OHRC. Check court decisions for appeals of some OHRC decisions--all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada.

Pay Equity review officers' orders


April, 1989 to date (all) summaries of orders.

These summaries are anonymized and are identified only by summary number and date.

PEHT decision


Quicklaw database OPED: April, 1989 to date.
CanLII has partial coverage from 1989 and full coverage from 2007.

What is a "reported decision" as opposed to an "unreported decision"?

A reported decision is one that has been published in a case law reporting series. For example, if an OLRB decision is published in the OLRB Reports (or elsewhere, for example in the CLRBRs or CCH's Canadian Labour Law Reports) it is considered a reported decision. If the decision is not published in a law report it is considered an unreported decision. Reported decisions usually have summaries written for them and are assigned keyword indexing. Unreported decisions do not. Between 2 and 3 percent of OLRB decisions get reported.